Jessica comes home

Jessica is home from the hospital.  She was discharged over the weekend.  I had a phone meeting this morning, and she expressed strong disapproval over my not giving her my complete and undivided attention. (“I just had major surgery.” “You were asleep.” “I might have woken up.” “If I don’t get some work done, we’ll be living in the car.” “You always say that. We never do.”)


So, things are getting back to normal, or at least what’s normal for us. We’re surrounded by carnations (and princess figures). We’re still feeling the effects of all the warm thoughts and well-wishes from all the many people who sent them.


I want to thank everyone who sent flowers and cards, took the time to visit, took me at my word and donated to the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance, and otherwise supported us in one way or another, even if it was just sparing a thought on August 10th.


My deepest, heartfelt thanks to all of you. 


I intend to return this space to its regularly scheduled programming, but will be giving occasionally updates on Jessica, since y’all have expressed interest.





  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Jessica comes home « Finding Your Voice --
  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Jessica comes home « Finding Your Voice --
  3. Very glad to hear this update. Your postings pull me out of my own little world of troubles and heartaches, to realize that not one of us are meant to carry our burdens by ourselves. They are much easier to bare when shared.

  4. Of course we want updates – great news about your sweet child – she sounds like a great kid to have hanging around.

  5. Phew! Sigh of relief… I was one of the many who found your blog through a Facebook link and then shared it with all my friends. I was moved. I'm human! On the 10th, I was having lunch with a few great girlfriends and I told them about you and we all paused for a while and thought about you and what you were going through *at that very minute*. We thought of your daughter and made belief we could send her white light and energy and all that stuff people say they will send you when you or a loved one is ill and they're far and don't know what to say. I'm so happy it went well and tell Jessica that she's famous in Canada, Spain, Chile, and Peru. And keep writing. You're awesome. I don't care how many rejections you get.

  6. I'm so happy to read this. Blessings to you and your family and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for moving me so much with your honest writing.

  7. I’m so happy to read this. Blessings to you and your family and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for moving me so much with your honest writing.

  8. New experience of new technology. Finding you here & learning why a 'work' email is slow in arriving.

    A blessing you are sharing Jessica. Pure grace.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  9. So glad to read this – my family was on our first real vacation since Andrew was born (scared of traveling wtih an autistic child) so I didn't have internet and one of the first things I checked was how Jessica was doing. Thinking of you both.

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