Be your own hero

The connection between self defense, personal empowerment, and living the life you want to live overlaps a great deal more than you’d think at first glance.  That’s because self defense doesn’t happen in a vacuum.  It’s not something you do in a scary parking garage and nowhere else.  It’s part of your daily life.   …

Doing the work

In the course of any given day, I have lots of conversations with lots of writers.  A consistent theme in the past few months has revolved around “doing the work.”  In fact, it’s become kind of a sign-off mantra with a friend of mine: “Okay, I’m off to Do The Work.”  It can be hard to stay focused and…

The power of yet

You’re probably wondering if I know I have a typo in the title to this blog post.  And indeed, the power of yes might be an interesting post to write someday.  But I really am talking about the power of yet.   The other day, my daughter Jessica and I were watching Mr. Magorium’s Wonder…