Technology, Luddites and Writers

Today a friend I met at the coffee shop where I work on my fiction expressed surprise that I have a blog.   This is because I seem like such a Luddite (that’s my phrasing, not hers).   I write fiction in longhand, in composition books with cardboard covers, then type everything into my computer, then print the manuscript out and edit in longhand.  I agree that it is cumbersome, but it’s how I write best, and believe me, the world isn’t suffering because this process slows me down some.  I’m prolific enough even when I add what some might consider unnecessary steps to the writing process.

The thing is, I think better with a pen in my hand, and when I see the words on the page, not on a screen, I “hear” them better.  So this works for me.  The reason I mention it is because we tend to think that because one methodology works for one aspect of our lives, it should work for all of them.  Because I don’t lug a laptop around, then, I shouldn’t be the kind of person who has a blog.

But I do.  And I love the blog.   I love the immediacy of writing a post and publishing it.  I love getting comments and feedback from other writers.  I love spending a little time each day on a small piece of writing for which I have complete control.  This is using technology in a way that works for me.

I hear a lot of angst from writers who don’t have time to blog, to be on LinkedIn, to Twitter and so forth.  I certainly understand that we all have a limited amount of time and energy and we have to spend it wisely.  But from what I understand, they never even tried these things before they dismissed them.   That’s where I think people sell themselves — and technology — short.  I have tried to write and revise fiction on a computer/laptop, and it doesn’t work for me.  It just doesn’t.  But the blog works for me.  So I do it.  I have a LinkedIn profile ( but I don’t find LinkedIn all that useful for my purposes, so I don’t spend a lot of time on it.  The same with FaceBook; I have a friend who asked me to join, and it seemed really important to her, so I did.  But I don’t personally find a lot of value in it, so I don’t spend much time with it. 

However, when another friend told me to just spend a little time checking out Twitter, I loved it.  So maybe that makes me shallow and snarky, but it’s a ton of fun, allows lots of networking, and doesn’t take up that much time.  (You can follow me at

That’s the beauty of technology.  You can pick what works for you and forget the rest (or at least neglect it a lot).


  1. Hear, hear! You have echoed fairly closely what I recently said about using techology as an aid, and dismissing it if it doesn’t work for you — although I come to technology from the other end of the spectrum, as an uber user (the interface won’t let me put in the proper character, sorry).

    Although I admit my geeky soul twitched when I read that you actually handwrite your manuscripts. I’m quite allergic to the idea!

    Tracy Cooper-Posey
    Anchored Authors

  2. What I'd give to be even half a prolific Luddite! Your system works just fine for you; I've seen it in action. Keep sitting in the window, and doing what you do best – it provides hope for Twitterers and luggers like me.

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