Creating strong female leads

One of the things I enjoy about writing strong female leads is that strong can mean so many different things. There is the superficial kickass heroine – the one who is what most people think of when they think of strong female leads. I myself have been known to enjoy kicking men in the balls…

Categorized as Books

Ode to my imaginary constructs

People sometimes wonder how someone as feral as I am came to be a writer, which is all about connecting and communicating with other people. For me, the connecting and communicating with others is more of a bug in the process than a feature. I mean I want people to read my books because otherwise…

Categorized as Books

On the sound of rain

The sound of rain woke me up this morning and for a moment I was about ten years old and I was exultant because rainy summer days were very rare where I lived. On a rainy summer day, I was not required to go outside and play. I could stay inside and read book and…

Categorized as Books

Why I write

People sometimes wonder how someone as feral as I am came to be a writer, which is all about connecting and communicating with other people. And the reason is, for me at least, that the connecting and communicating with others is more of a bug in the process than a feature. I mean I want…

Categorized as Books

A different kind of adventure

Though I spent the summer traveling, I have no reports of nearly falling off cliffs because I got too close to the edge nor of staying out all night in the rain because I failed to book a hotel room in the height of the season, and this disappoints me a little, not because these…

Categorized as Books