For Jessica

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine and I were talking about a study she’d just read, which concluded that people without children were happier than people with children; or, to put it more precisely, despite what conventional wisdom holds, the study found that having children did not increase anyone’s happiness. At which…

Avoiding creative burnout

I recently got a note from a writer saying she felt creatively drained.  She said, “My book is good.  How can I convince others?” Reading between the lines, I figured she’d written a book she felt was excellent but agents/editors were rejecting it, and that was making her feel a lot like not writing any more…

Making a Living Writing Short Stories?

“I am an aspiring author who wants to make it big in this industry.  My passion is for writing and I would love to pursue it as a career. I have written many short stories and poems.  I’d appreciate any information you can give me.”   I receive questions like this every now and then,…